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EVTA names Scott Robinson as deputy director

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Eagle resident brings knowledge of region, local government, business operations, relationships and more to EVTA

The Eagle Valley Transportation Authority hired Scott Robinson as the authority’s deputy director, filling a key management roll that will elevate EVTA’s efforts to expand transit in the region. Robinson comes to the EVTA from the Mountain Recreation district where he served most recently as the Superintendent of Business Operations.

“Joining the EVTA provides a great opportunity to serve our community by working to bring the new transit authority to life,” Robinson said. “This new challenge perfectly aligns with two of my core values: service and entrepreneurship. I am passionate about serving our community to make positive change, and I welcome the challenge that creating something new brings.”

As Mountain Recreation’s Superintendent of Business Operations, Robinson managed the administrative department and oversaw the marketing, communications, development, fundraising, financial/accounting operations, purchasing, risk management, human resources, and technology services for the district. Robinson’s accomplishments included leading the rebrand from Western Eagle County Metropolitan Recreation District to Mountain Recreation, which included developing the district’s brand foundations and communication systems.

“I can’t wait to assemble the best admin team in the valley and once we do, our three main goals will be: Making the EVTA the best place to work in Eagle County because our staff are the most valuable asset we have, telling our story so everyone sees someone like them riding the bus, and utilizing our tax dollars in an efficient, effective and transparent manner,” Robinson said.

Robinson was born and raised in Palo Alto, Calif., and came to Colorado in 2002 to attend CU-Boulder. Robinson has lived in Eagle County since 2008. He and his wife, Anna, have two sons, Ralph and George. Anna works for the Vail Valley Partnership, where she is the program manager and director Vail Valley Works professional development programming. Robinson enjoys coaching youth hockey, mountain biking, skiing and camping with his family. Previously, Robinson has worked in Eagle County for Sundance Plumbing, Can Do MS and Walking Mountains.

“In Scott Robinson, EVTA has found an excellent deputy director. Scott has all the skills necessary for this position. More importantly, he brings a long history and commitment to Eagle County. He understands the values and needs of our communities, as well as our riders and local businesses,” EVTA Executive Director Tanya Allen said. “As the second employee of EVTA, Scott will definitely get the opportunity to put all of his skills to work building a world-class transit system for the Eagle Valley.”

The primary responsibilities for the EVTA deputy director include oversight of the administrative, marketing/communications, IT, human resources, and accounting/financial management teams, including hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating the staff. The deputy director assists the executive director with long-term strategy and planning, organizational budget development, financial policies, and long-range planning.

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