News & Blog Archive

You Have Arrived: Welcome to Core Transit! Gypsum, CO – Welcome to the new face of regional transportation in Eagle County – Core Transit! Core Transit is here to move you through our beautiful region and spark exploration with ease and efficiency. Proudly offering you the ride of a lifetime, Core
!Has llegado! !Bienvenido a Core Transit! Gypsum, CO - ¡Bienvenido al nuevo rostro del transporte regional en el condado de Eagle – Core Transit! Core Transit está aquí para moverte a través de nuestra hermosa región y fomentar la exploración con facilidad y eficiencia. Con orgullo te ofrecemos el
Jay Floyd: Mountain Dreams to Community Impact Every so often, we have the opportunity to encounter someone truly special, someone who has quietly impacted the lives of thousands of people who call Eagle County home. Jay Floyd is one of those extraordinary individuals. Just a few days before his
Jay Floyd: De los Sueños en las Montañas al Impacto en la Comunidad De vez en cuando, tenemos la oportunidad de conocer a alguien realmente especial, alguien que ha impactado silenciosamente las vidas de miles de personas que llaman hogar al Condado de Eagle. Jay Floyd es una de esas personas
R ick's journey as an ECO Transit Bus Operator spans an impressive 21 years, but his story goes even further back. His career behind the wheel began in 1987 with Avon/Beaver Creek Transit, with a pause occurring during a three-year service in the army which he joined in 1983. Throughout his tenure
La Trayectoria de Rick como Operador de Autobuses de ECO Transit abarca impresionantes 21 años, pero su historia se remonta aún más atrás. Su carrera al volante comenzó en 1987 con Avon/Beaver Creek Transit, con una pausa durante un servicio de tres años en el ejército al que se unió en 1983. A lo
As the Executive Director of the EVTA, it is my privilege to invite the community to join us in extending a heartfelt thank you to the exceptional individuals who are the most important piece of our operation – our Bus Operators. Today, on Bus Operator Appreciation Day, I am proud to celebrate these
ECO Transit’s Highway 6 and Minturn routes, as well as the Valley route from Eagle to Vail & Dotsero, will be free for the upcoming summer season. AVON—The Eagle Valley Transportation Authority’s Board of Directors approved a plan to extend fare-free service on three ECO Transit routes today. The
The Authority has named Aryn Schlichting as People and Culture director and Lance Trujillo as Innovation and IT director AVON—The Eagle Valley Transportation Authority (EVTA) announced the hiring of the people and culture and IT directors, two key positions critical to EVTA’s organizational