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Eagle Valley Transportation Authority Announces Fare-Free System on Selected Routes and New Summer Schedule Starting Sunday, May 19

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Gypsum, CO – After much anticipation from March when the EVTA board approved an increase to the fare-free zone and service frequency, EVTA is pleased to announce those improvements launch this Sunday, May 19th. 

“The EVTA board is committed to accomplishing the promises outlined in the November 2022 ballot measure. This Sunday marks a major milestone in accomplishing the fare-free zone from Vail to Edwards. We have also added value for our residents of Eagle & Dotsero by extending the fare-free zone to their communities,” said Avon Mayor Amy Phillips, the chair of the EVTA board. 


Come roll with EVTA at no charge - fares are outta here! The fare-free service will now be available on the Highway 6, Valley, and Minturn routes. This means EVTA will offer free transportation services to unincorporated Eagle County, as well as the towns of Avon, Eagle, Minturn, Red Cliff, Vail, and the Beaver Creek Metro District. Your free ride awaits! 


“We invite the community to celebrate this major accomplishment by hopping on a bus sometime soon and enjoy leaving your wallet in your pocket. We hope you’ll love taking the easy route with us,” said Tanya Allen, Executive Director of EVTA. 


Gypsum & Leadville Fare Zone Information 

Fares will still apply for trips that include stops within the Towns of Gypsum and Leadville. Starting Sunday, May 19, the procedure for fare payment at Gypsum and Leadville stops will be implemented as follows:  

Valley Route Gypsum Stops: 


  • Eastbound Valley Route (Dotsero to Vail): When riding from Dotsero to Gypsum, riders have the flexibility to pay their fare either upon boarding or upon exiting the bus.  

  • While boarding in Gypsum, riders must board and exit through the front door only and can utilize our mobile app ECO Tickets or cash to pay for their one-way fare of $3.  

  • Westbound Valley Route (Vail to Dotsero): All riders who plan to exit the bus at a stop located in Gypsum have the flexibility to pay their fare either upon boarding or upon exiting the bus. For those who choose to pay upon boarding, the driver will issue a token, which must be returned to the driver upon exiting as confirmation of payment. This system ensures a smooth and efficient process for both riders and staff. 


Leadville Route: 

  • Similar to the process for the Gypsum route, all riders who plan to exit the bus at a stop in Leadville will have the option to pay their fare either upon boarding or exiting the bus, and the process of using a token as confirmation of payment will apply. It is important to note that Leadville utilizes a premium pass for their fares. Riders can use our mobile app, ECO Tickets, or cash to pay for the $7 one-way fare. 


Regarding the new summer schedule, EVTA is preparing for a significant increase in service. “The new schedule reflects a significant increase in service frequency and we’ve brought on additional operators and vehicles to ensure we can deliver a reliable, efficient and enjoyable rider experience. I want to thank our operations team for their hard work preparing for this increase,” said Tanya Allen, Executive Director of EVTA. 


Get ready for more service! Key service increases for the summer 2024 schedule include: 


Valley EAST & Valley WEST Routes: 

  • 30-minute service between Chambers Park & Ride in Eagle and the Vail Transportation Center from approximately 7 AM to 5 PM, doubling the frequency in each direction compared to the most recent winter schedule. 

Highway 6 EAST Route: 

  • Service every 15 minutes between Edwards and Vail during morning and evening rush hours and every 40 minutes from 9 AM - 2:40 PM and 6:40 PM - 11:20 PM for afternoon and nighttime service. 

  • Service every 20 minutes between Avon and Vail from 6 AM to 6 PM and every 40 minutes during nighttime service. 

Highway 6 WEST Route: 

  • Service every 20 minutes from 6 AM to 3 PM between Vail and Edwards. 

  • Service every 10 minutes between 3 PM and 5:30 PM during afternoon rush between Vail and Edwards. 

  • Service every 30 minutes during nighttime between Vail and Edwards. 

Minturn Route: 

  • Two additional trips during the morning hours, including a trip to Red Cliff. 

  • One additional trip in the evening. 


For further information, including schedules and updates, visit evta.org

You can also track your bus in real-time at rideecotransit.com or receive text updates by texting ECO + Bus Stop # to 41411. 

For trip planning assistance, please visit evta.org or call (970) 328-3520. 

To pay fares on your phone, download the ECO Tickets app from the Apple Store or Google Play.